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International Cannabis: Adams Lee, Vince Sliwoski on the Simply Trade Podcast

Two of our international cannabis lawyers, Vince Sliwoski (business) and Adams Lee (international trade), recently joined the Simply Trade podcast for a lively discussion on the international cannabis trade. You can hear that free-ranging, informative conversation at either of the following links:

Apple Podcasts

As explained in the Simply Trade show notes:

This episode explores the complex legal and regulatory landscape surrounding cannabis trade, with a focus on importing, exporting, and conducting cross-border business. Experts Vincent Sliwoski and Adams Lee break down the nuances of federal vs. state laws, and provide guidance on how companies can stay compliant.

Main Points:

Overview of federal vs. state cannabis laws in the US
Rules for importing/exporting hemp vs. marijuana
Restrictions on transporting cannabis across international borders
Compliance considerations for businesses conducting cannabis trade
Updates on rescheduling efforts and future legislative changes
Resources for staying up-to-date on this evolving area of law


Cannabis trade spans both domestic and international regulations
Proper declarations and permits are required for importing/exporting
Transporting cannabis across state/country lines remains prohibited
Third party carriers like FedEx have strict policies on controlled substances
Compliance is complex but critical for all entities involved in the industry

Enjoy! For more on the international cannabis trade, check out the following posts:

Can I Import Marijuana Seeds to the U.S.?
Should You Import Hemp to the United States?
USDA Expressly Authorizes the Import of Hemp Seed
Importing “Drug Paraphernalia” after Eteros and Keirton
How to Export Medical Marijuana Internationally
The International Cannabis Trade (Webinar)
Notes on the International Cannabis Trade
U.S. Cannabis and International Trade: Never the Twain Shall Meet?
USMCA and Cannabis Trade
Cannabis Brands and China: An Emerging I.P. Challenge
China Manufacturing Tips for Cannabis Brands

The post International Cannabis: Adams Lee, Vince Sliwoski on the Simply Trade Podcast appeared first on Harris Sliwoski LLP.

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