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New York’s Cannabis Control Board: Meeting #2 Scheduled Already

After a quick push to have its first meeting on October 5, 2021, New York’s Cannabis Control Board (CCB) has already scheduled its second meeting for Thursday, October 21, 2021. The meeting will be publicly available via the link embedded in this press release.

As we did with the first meeting, we will be providing a meeting summary of the meeting, along with our thoughts on any public comments and anything else we can glean in terms of timeline for the CCB’s rules and regulations.

Here is the official meeting agenda:

Call to Order
Welcome & Chair Remarks
Approval of meeting minutes from October 5, 2021 Board Meeting
OCM Employment Items
Consideration of Medical Cannabis Program Regulations
Executive Director Report
Chief Equity Officer Remarks

The meeting agenda is light on details, although it looks as though the CCB will be following up on its announcement that New York’s medical cannabis will be expanded immediately. Again notably absent is any express discussion on the timing of the CCB’s issuance of rules and regulations. The hope here is that the short window between the first meeting and the second meeting is the begin filling the gaps in information provided during the first meeting.

Stay tuned for our summary of the CCB’s second official meeting and all updates on developments in New York’s cannabis industry!

The post New York’s Cannabis Control Board: Meeting #2 Scheduled Already appeared first on Harris Bricken.

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